y qué mejor manera que plasmarlo que con un sello de life is good!
con ello y una foto mía de peke quería transmitir que la vida es corta y hay que disfrutarla cada día! como cuando eramos pequeñas y cada día era una aventura! creo que cuando maduramos perdemos esa ilusión por descubrir! por mirar de otra manera lo que la vida nos presenta! espero que os guste este LO con tanto kolorintxi!muaks
Scrap Around the word is celebreting Its birthday with a epic anniversary event competition!
I have made a layout with life is good stamp and a photo of me when I was a child!
with this picture I wanted to convey that life is short and we must enjoy it every day! like when you were child and every day was an adventure! I think as we mature we lose that hope to discover! otherwise look for what life presents us! I hope you like this LO with both colours! kisses
Scrap Around the world mood board
mi LO, my layout